Room Divider Ideas


A - Center section solid
B - Uniform cubes
C - Countertop

D - One large opening

E - Some open backed some not
E - Different sized cubes

F - Stepped 

F - Storage

G Storage cubes through center

H - Curved option

I - Trapezoid

J - Two units duplicated

K - Accordian w/ shelves

L - stepped storage and open top

M - Functional yet lets light through

N - Stepped different sizes

O - Tansu chest

MAY - Unusual Poses

Neighbor Doug disco dancing in the orchard

Brother Russell saying he's had enough to drink

Whip's idea of sun bathing

That's okay but can you do this?

One eye up, one eye down

Bird Dance

Anything for the right shot

Black Stilt Ballet

Unusual Pose for a cake

Dunder on top of kitchen cabinets (guess that itn't so unusual)

APR - Triangles in Everyday Life

Pepparoni Pizza Piece

The Eye of Providence

Beaux's Ears

McDonald Observatory dome

Boots modeling a cushion with triangles

Triangular shapes in stained glass

Sun rays through clouds

Informational Signage

Four triangles make up a Square

The number Four

MAR - Critters

Bear Pair

Just Passing

Ground Squirrel Parkour

Porcupine stare

Peekaboo Bunny


Male Black-Bellied Plover in Breeding Plumage

Sand Dollar

Tricolored Heron with Breeding Plumage
